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Reconditioned Engine - What Does It Mean?

Reconditioned Engine - What Does It Mean?

18th Feb 2025

One of the most popular services we provide is our LSX Reconditioned Engine Service. 

This service is developed based off rebuilding your existing engine, but what exactly does that mean?

A lot of mechanics / workshops will through the words Reco or Reconditioned Engine around without really explaining exactly what they are doing to your engine. There are many ways to Reco an engine but only one way is correct.... The Right Way.

Our LSX Reconditioned Engine Service provides a complete overhaul of your existing with the choice of either:

1. Standard Reconditioned.


2. Reconditioned With Upgrades.

Sounds pretty simple right? That's because that is how we intended it.

Here is a break-down of what we provide with our Standard Reconditioned Engine.

All reconditioned engines are completely pulled down to a bare block & go through a series of inspections, measurements & checks to ensure the block is suitable for rebuild. (In majority of cases unless the engine has had a failure most engines are suitable for a rebuild.)

The block then undergoes a complete machining process which includes:

Honing: The cylinder bores are honed to remove any wear, damage or imperfections to the bore. 
A torque plate is bolted to the block as it simulates bolting a cylinder head to the engine during the machining process to ensure the cylinder bores are properly round and true. Although this is typically done for our performance & race engines, our reconditioned engines receive the exact same treatment throughout the build process.

This entire process is done in a CNC machine which ensures all 8-cylinder bores are the exact same diameter down to the .0001" of an Inch.

Milling The Deck: The blocks deck is the surface where the cylinder heads bolt down to. This surface needs to be 100% square to ensure the cylinder & head gasket seal when torqued down. This avoids leaking of cylinder pressure which results in a list of potential issues.
When the blocks are 'Decked' they are ran through a CNC Milling Machine that mills both block deck surfaces evenly to ensure an even Deck Height.

Align Hone: All blocks are align honed. This is when a machine runs through the Main Tunnel (Where the crankshaft sits in) and ensures the clearance of all main caps are completely even. This paired with linishing the crankshaft (See below) ensures that each journal clearance is accurate & uniform down to the .0001" of an Inch. 

Engine Balancing: Since every reconditioned engine receives a new set of Pistons, Piston Rings, Wrist Pins & Bearings each engine is required to be balanced. This process is done using the latest state of the art balancing machine to ensure each cylinder's piston/rod etc combination is evenly matched in weight with their respective counterweight. This ensures no unnecessary engine vibrations or harmonics issues.

Cylinder Head Reconditioning: Each engines Cylinder Heads are fully reconditioned. These go through a process of the following:
Milled Cylinder Head Decks, as above with the block decks the head surfaces are milled to ensure a completely flat / square mating surface.
Combustion Chambers: the combustion chambers are cleaned from any carbon build up, fully inspected for any issues with the valve seats, valve guides.
The Valves & Valve seats are then re-ground, and the valves are re-seated.
Each Cylinder Head is crack & pressure tested prior to completion. 

Engine Internals: 
Each reconditioned engine receives a full house of new replacement parts.

Pistons: Each engine receives a complete set of OEM quality pistons & Piston Rings. Each set is suited to the required bore size determined throughout the honing process & each set of rings are filed to the required ring end gap clearance.

Engine Gaskets: Each Engine receives a complete new OEM quality Engine Gasket & O Ring Kit from top to bottom. 

Lifters & Valvetrain: Each Engine receives brand new GM LS7 Lifters & GM Lifter Guides, new timing components, oil pump, valve springs, pushrods, etc. All Torque To Yield bolts are replaced with new OEM fasteners.

Our Reconditioned Engine With Upgrades goes one step further again. This package provides one of our Performance Billet Camshafts (we work with you to determine selection based off requirements), PAC Racing Valve Spring Kit, Chromoly Pushrods, Billet Timing Chain Kit, High Volume Oil Pump along with optional extras such as Bronze Bushed Rocker Trunnion Kit & CNC Porting of the Cylinder Heads.

All of our reconditioned builds come with a complete 12-month warranty & are provided with install/first start up information for your mechanic to follow. 

By following the process above we are able to ensure a guaranteed no issues engine reconditioning program to breathe new life into your old or tired LS engine. Want to know more? Check out the range. Engine Packages - Reconditioned Engine Service - LSX Performance Parts